

The TORO EQUIPMENT SL website is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018 of September 7, on the accessibility of public sector websites and applications for mobile devices.

This declaration of conformity affects all pages located within the domain, excluding pages linked to external sites and embedded content from other domains.


Compliance Status

This website is partially compliant with RD 1112/2018 due to the exceptions and non-conformities listed below.


Non-accessible Content

A. Non-compliance with Royal Decree 1112/2018

– Not applicable.

B. Disproportionate burden – Not applicable.

C. Content outside the scope of applicable legislation

– There may be office files in PDF or other formats published before September 18, 2020, that do not fully comply with all accessibility requirements. However, efforts have been made to ensure that most of them do comply.

– There may be third-party content not developed by us or under our control, such as office files.


Compatibility with standards

This website has been designed and programmed following the guidelines of the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative,, which sets international standards for creating web content accessible to everyone.


Comments and contact information

You can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 10.2 of RD 1112/2018) such as:

• Reporting any possible non-compliance by this website.

• Conveying other difficulties in accessing the content.

• Making any other query or suggestion for improvement regarding the website’s accessibility.

• Through the contact form on this website. Communications, complaints, and requests for accessible information will be received and handled by the Accessibility Responsible Unit of this website.

In the request for accessible information, the facts, reasons, and request must be clearly specified to confirm that it is a reasonable and legitimate request.


Application procedure

If, after making a request for accessible information or a complaint, it has been:

• Dismissed,

• Disagreed with the decision made,

• The response does not meet the requirements set out in article 12.5 of RD 1112/2018,

• Or if the period of twenty working days has passed without a response, the interested party may file a claim to:

• Understand and oppose the reasons for dismissal,

• Urge the adoption of appropriate measures if they disagree with the decision made,

• Or state the reasons why they believe the response does not meet the required standards.